Wednesday 21 February 2018

Fiber And How It Proves Useful For Treating Constipation

Constipation is something that all of us have faced one time or the other.  It is a common problem and while not all have the same bathroom habits constipation can happen to anyone. Irregular or less than three bowel movements a week are all symptoms of constipation. It can even lead to people having difficult passing stool as it becomes dry and hard. While many choose to go for laxatives and other such things for treating their constipation there is also a useful natural treatment for constipation, i.e. fiber.

Fiber is basically associated with good digestion which in turn can lead to better bowel movements. There are usually two groups in which fiber can be divided namely insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber can act bulk to your fecal matter and this way improve the speed at which it passes on the other hand soluble can ensure that you stool passes more smoothly. Thus, both these in a way improve your bowel movements and reduce the effects of constipation. When looking to increase your fiber diet and treat constipation there are a number of food items you can eat like-

• Pears, apples, berries and oranges in fruits
• Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, potato and carrots in vegetables
• Legumes like beans, lentils and peas
• Grains like whole wheat breads, brown rice and oatmeal
• Nuts and seeds like almonds, peanuts, walnuts and sunflower seeds

While these are items that can improve your intake of fiber there are also dietary fiber supplements that are available today in the market. Including such products in your daily diet can improve your digestion and ensure better bowel movement as well. But when looking to buy such products be sure to find a reliable supplier.